On 12/22/06, Michael Feher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Still on the topic of hierarchical organization...has there been any talk of 
> adding something like a dot separator
>  a la Java to tags to be able to sub-tag bookmarks?  I think this would be a 
> great feature and would not detract
>  from the ability to see things as a cloud, etc. in delicious as it is done 
> now.

I've not responded to these kinds of call for functionality in the
past, but just to put on record my belief and evidence its unnecessary
here's my POV YMMV.

Hierarchical structures of folders are a straitjacket, based on "a
place for everything and everything in its place."  In fact its more
like "one and only one place for anything."  But if you enjoy the
results you can have them in del.icio.us by tagging with the folder
names you wish in  the hierarchy and accessing thus for example:


(this indirectly illustrates a problem with '.' notation for "sub.folders"

This gives you complete freedom to restructure the hierarchy (because
it is imposed rather than innate), the only thing missing is the
mnemonic assistance I sometimes get by traversing the hierarchy
looking for *just* the right place to put things, that properly belong
in two or more places, a contingency wonderfully coped with by

Thus del.icio.us can give you any hierarchical view you wish, while
also allowing the greater flexibility of a single level of folders and
multiple membership, AKA tagging.

>  Mike


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