One of the features that I always thought was missing from Yojimbo's
tagging implementation was a simple way to browse all of the tags
available. While it would probably be most elegant in some native
format, I thought I'd pull together this simple script which creates a
Tag Collection for each tag that is being used.

tell application "Yojimbo"
        set tc_names to (name of tag collections)
        repeat with t in tags
                set t_name to name of t
                if tc_names does not contain t_name then
                        set tc to (make new tag collection)
                        set name of tc to t_name
                        add tags t_name to tc
                end if
        end repeat
end tell

I'm not much of an AppleScript writer (as a programmer, AppleScript
kind of freaks me out) so I'm sure there's room for improvement, but
it's been useful to me so maybe it'll be useful to others as well.

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