On 4/18/08 at 5:23 PM, Jan Erik Moström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A similar solution could be done using Yojimbo which would allow to
> post an entry from Yojimbo to your blog using MarsEdit/Ecto with
> one single shortcut - you would actually never have to do anything
> at all in MarsEdit/Ecto. (and you can add all kind of custom
> actions/tagging)

It may be worth mentioning that almost all blogging interfaces use
XML-RPC (or maybe SOAP), and that AppleScript has had "Call XMLRPC"
and "call SOAP" verbs since about 10.2.  Although it would take a bit
of customized logic, particularly for individual blogging systems,
categories, usernames, passwords, etc., it should be possible to
write an AppleScript (or script in any OSA-compatible language) that
does the work for you.

It wouldn't be trivial, though, and piping it through MarsEdit (or
other system) is probably better because that way, if the text
doesn't wind up looking exactly the way you think, you have a good
blog-oriented editor to fix it before it gets posted.  But it
*should* be possible.

--Matt (no, I'm not volunteering)

Matt Deatherage                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GCSF, Incorporated                      <http://www.macjournals.com>

"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather
 straps."  -- Emo Phillips

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