I suggest to re-activate the page and replace the PHP script with an
announcement (also a simple txt file), just to inform the users that
the service is temporary unavailable, it's not so a good thing getting
an error page ;-)

However in order to fix the problem, I'm thinking to use a DB to store
parsed data.
A script can run once a day (or every time an admin wants) and collect
data in the DB, and another script can retrieve data from the DB and
show them in a web page.

This solution would also give the possibility to implement research of
packages in a easy way.

TobiG, can you create a DB and email me the login data? :-)


2007/6/9, Tobias Gerschner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I took the package database down for the moment. I had to power cycle
> the development server 2 times today. Something seems to lock up the
> server. My only guess is right now that it is caused by too many
> accesses on the package database.
> We'll have to keep an eye on it. I'll keep you all updated on it.
> regards

Davide "M3xican" Coppola

homep:  http://m3xican.marsnomercy.org
ICQ:    104241710
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