Hi Armin,

> To: yoper-dev@lists.yoper.com
> Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 18:44:07 +1300
> Subject: Re: [yoper-dev] [PACKAGERS] - Some hints to mass migrate
> Hi all!
> With the help of TobiG I wrote a simple helper, for all those who need to 
> update packages. Sometimes, as you all know, it's non-trivial to get all 
> depencies or reverse depencies of a package - that's what this little helper 
> will calculate for you. 
> If you upgrade a package, the script will be able to find out which packages 
> you also need to rebuild/update. Also it gives you a hint (reverse depencies) 
> about which packages might break after your upgrade. You should always 
> investigate that listing, because if any package that's part of the 
> buildenvironment depends on the package you're trying to upgrade, the update 
> might result in a broken buildenvironment. You might consult TobiG or me in 
> such cases ;)
> To use that script, you have to do the following:
> checkout the whole rpmlookup svn tree at $SVNROOT/yoper/projects/rpmlookup
> copy the file $SVNROOT/yoper/projects/rpmlookup/Default.cfg to your homedir 
> at: ~/.yoperbuild/rpmlookup/Default.cfg

Better do next:
install -D $SVNROOT/yoper/projects/rpmlookup/Default.cfg 

so you won't have to create any leading dirs. I also think that the cache 
should be set by default at 
~.yoperbuild/rpmlookup/cache, see below.

However, I don't get it to work:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $ ./svnCacheLookup.py -d bison
usage  ./svnCacheLookup.py -rd packagename
                -r := calculate reverse depencies
                -d := calculate depencies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $ ./svnCacheLookup.py -r bison
usage  ./svnCacheLookup.py -rd packagename
                -r := calculate reverse depencies
                -d := calculate depencies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $ cat 
cache = /home/musikolo/.yoperbuild/rpmlookup/cache
svndir = /home/musikolo/svn/yoper

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $ ls -l  
total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 musikolo users  0 2007-12-23 13:15 cache
-rwxr-xr-x  1 musikolo users 92 2007-12-23 13:13 Default.cfg
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $

Is there any thing I have done wrongly? 
Is there any reason why Default.cfg needs execution permissions? If it isn't, 
it should be revoked.

Said this, thanks a million for this tool. I hope we all often use it and don't 
have any more broken packages for quite long time... 

Best regards! ;-)

> Modify the contents of the file:
> cache: should point to a file location holding the svn spec cache (that's 
> just 
> used to speed up lookups)
> svndir: should point to the local svn working copy of the spec files, namely 
> $SVNROOT/yoper, usually containing 3.0, 3.1, devel, playground, projects 
> and "robots.text". Use path's only, no environment variables are supported.
> After that is done, you're ready for your first run of svnCacheLookup.py. The 
> usage of that script should be self explanational. It does support the 
> options "-r" and "-d", "-r" meaning calculate reverse depencies, "-d" 
> depencies. E.g. running "svnCacheLookup.py -d bison" will result in the 
> following output:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/svn/yoper/projects/rpmlookup $ ./svnCacheLookup.py -d 
> bison
> building cache from  /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel
> done
> package bison found at:  /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/bison/bison.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/texinfo/texinfo.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/pkg-config/pkg-config.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/flex/flex.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/diffutils/diffutils.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/gawk/gawk.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/autoconf/autoconf.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/automake/automake.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/automake16/automake16.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/libtool/libtool.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/gcc-opt/gcc-opt.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/gpm/gpm.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/ncurses/ncurses.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/readline/readline.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/gmp/gmp.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/which/which.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/binutils/binutils.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/yopermaintain/yopermaintain.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/gcc/gcc.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/m4/m4.spec
> /home/armin/svn/yoper/3.0/rocketfuel/bison/bison.spec
> Found 22 depencies
> You can also redirect the output to a file with the shell, only the paths are 
> printed to stdout, all other output goes to stderr and is therefore leftout 
> in normal redirection. Notice the direction of the output, it shows the 
> package depending on the given package that's at the highest depth in the 
> depency graph, meaning you should update packages in the exact order that's 
> printed here.
> Another thing about what package names are supported: actually all. The 
> internal cache of the script is built using all (sub-)package definitions and 
> provides of a spec file, so e.g. calculating depencies of qt4-devel will in 
> fact calculate those for qt4 instead. Keep that in mind.
> I hope that this little script is useful - TobiG and me will continue 
> developing it much further.
> Regards
> Armin Kazmi
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