
my name is Robert and I'm the editor-in-chief of a Czech
online Linux magazine (http://www.abclinuxu.cz/). As a part
of our traditional annual poll about users' favourite Linux
distributions, we would like to publish a series of short
interviews with developers of popular distros.

I'd appreciate if anyone of you could find a few minutes
to answer the questions bellow, or forward them to somebody
from your team who could reply. If there's anything you
would like to add or share about Yoper, please feel free to.

1. Why have you started to use Linux? Did you use other
   operating systems before choosing Linux?

2. What made you consider starting/joining the development
   of an 'alternative' distribution?

3. What did the 'big' distributions lack (or had too much of)?

4. What do you say to those who think the Linux world should
   be more united and focus on co-operation rather then
   resolve problems by forking projects?

5. Is Yoper your primary operating system? How many other
   distros have you used so far? Which ones?

6. What is Yoper's killer feature(s)?

7. What do you plan to implement/improve? What can we look
   forward to in Yoper's next release?

8. What do you consider the largest setback of mass
   deployment of Linux on the desktop?

Thank you for your time.

Robert Kratky

P.S. Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.
yoper-dev mailing list

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