Juergen Trapp and Tobias Gerschner announced today the availability of the
first beta release of Yoper Linux 2009 - Codename Dresden, an i686 Linux
distribution optimized for simple desktop use. Another step is made to a
simple, yet powerful Linux desktop for the enthusiastic Linux user, that
just works, but still leaves you in control.

We are happy to announce the BETA2 of Yoper Linux 2009 , soon to be Yoper
Linux 2010.

This release includes kernel 2.6.31 with many fixes and features included in
the about to be released kernel-2.6.32 (drm-next, nouveau-drm and squashfs
with lzma support)  thanks to the huge efforts of the team @ zen-kernel.org.

X.org has been updated to the final version of Xorg 7.5 and Mesa 7.6
including the latest xserver and drivers that are released. As usual the
latest version of other cutting edge packages is also available including
Firefox , KOffice2 and goffice etc. .

The KDE4 version received a further overhaul and is now updated to KDE 4.3.3
. We're still improving the look and feel of it so stay tuned. Furthermore
we finished the work on the lxde and openbox desktop environment.

The currently available desktop environments are Fluxbox, LXDE, Openbox,
XFCE4, KDE3 for the conservative user and KDE4 for the cutting edge

The RC1 release date is the 4th of December and the depending on your
feedback the final release will be available at the 18th of December.

The ISOs can be downloaded here :

yoper-dev site list

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