ok, lets play a game. =)
I send this mail every Day now and we count how many times i have sent it,
till it gets done.

count: 3

2011/12/9 Daniel Fahlke <flyingm...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> related to my mail from before i want to change some Issue states and
> asign Issues to certain Releases (primary the upcomming one)
> So, I dont have a clue how the upcomming Version should be named ( I
> remember a discuss about it but not the result. )
> Anyone who can Answer this, or have I to reread the discuss about it?
> Assign to the upcomming Version i would the following Issues
> #102
> #95
> #74
> #65
> #62
> #25
> #22
> Than, close #92 as duplicate of #21
> Would be nice if someone could do this for me or give me the rights to do
> this.
> Regards,
> Daniel Fahlke
> aka Flyingmana

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