Gerald Smith wrote:

The bomber of the Atlanta Olympics and a few Ab clinics, Rudolph, was
captured this weekend while digging in a dumpster in a small town in
North Carolina, where the feds suspected he was.

Grampa Bill comments:
The accused, alleged, purported, suspected bomber of the Atlanta Olympics....
You think the Feds are as certain of his guilt as they were of Richard Jewel's? I say, let's see what kind of evidence they have. If they had solid evidence against Rudolph, why did they go after Jewel with such a vengeance?
From what I've heard, the evidence is strongest in the Birmingham Abortion Clinic bombing. At least there, his vehicle was seen in the neighborhood. As for the three bombings in Georgia, another Abortion Clinic, a Gay Bar, and the Olympic Park, I 'spect the Bureau is just trying to close cases.
I'll try to keep an open mind on this though it is a certainty that the media... even Fox... has already convicted him.
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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