I think the church as a whole is paying a lot more attention to the Book of Mormon. I can't say what was happening before I joined it but I see a lot of emphasis on it. Failure to read it on an individual basis is not a collective matter.


At 11:44 AM 07/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:

On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 06:53:08 -0800 "John W. Redelfs"
> Noel B favored us with:
> >For an answer I would have to look to God and the prophet. When I
> listen
> >to President Hinckley, I hear a very positive message. I have to
> assume
> >that each one of us must seek confirmation of that message from God
> that
> >we are a righteous people and have favor in His eyes.
> President Benson said the whole Church was under condemnation
> because we
> don't properly value the Book of Mormon.  Has that changed?  I don't
> think
> so, but I suppose I could be wrong.  When I hear glowing reports
> about the
> growth of the Church, and how well we are accepted by the world on
> the one
> hand, and hear about condemnation because of our disregard of the
> Book of
> Mormon I suffer from some cognitive dissonance.  I suppose there is
> some
> resolution of the two, but on the surface they seem to contradict.
> John W. Redelfs                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


President Bensen is dead. What he said has no bearing anymore regarding
the direction and present condition of the Church, let alone the future
direction. This responsibility lies upon the shoulders of the current

If the Church is still under condemnation for not reading the Book of
Mormon, the Lord will tell us through his prophet. Otherwise, we are
collectively in the clear.

Paul O

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