> Your policy sounds really good to me, Bill, and I agree with it.  I've 
> never implemented it (and probably never will, since I love to blab) but 
> I agree with it.  One o' these days, I'll actually SAY that to a bishop 
> and watch his shocked look.
> *jeep!
>  ~~Chet (Almost as shocked a look as I get when I say I'm going to quote 
>  J. Golden.)
> -- Grampa Bill in Savannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grampa Bill comments:
>     Call me with less than a week to give a talk? Then I get to pick my 
> own topic. Sorry, those are the rules!
> Love y'all,
> Grampa Bill in Savannah
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I actually had the good fortune to be able to take a couple of days off 
of work and road trip it to SLC from CA to attend the Priesthood session 
with my 14 and 12 year old sons.  What I took away from that session was 
an overwhelming love and appreciation for Pres. Hinkley.  About 10 
minutes before the session started, a voice over the PA system asked 
everyone to take their seats.  A hush fell over the crowd, as we eagerly 
awaited Pres. Hinkley's entrance.  About 3 minutes before the session 
started, he entered.  Everyone, in unison, arose and remained standing 
until he sat down.  We stood up out of love and respect for the prophet, 
not because everyone else happened to be standing also.  I had such an 
overwhelming desire to shake his hand that I actually wondered for a 
brief second if it was possible to race to the front without getting 
stopped by security.  Needless to say, I'll have to wait for a different 
occasion to shake his hand.  Getting thrown out of conference is not the 
example I want to set for my boys.  My 12 year old asked me if Pres. 
Hinkley has seen Christ.  I said that prophets in the scriptures had, so 
I assume that modern prophets have also.  Quite a concept for a 12 year 
old to digest.  My son wondered if Joseph Smith thought he would see God 
as an answer to his prayer in the Sacred Grove, or if he went expecting 
an answer to his question to come the way we receive answers to prayers. 
 Any thoughts?


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