I got this yesterday. I thought you all might want to see it.

Thread-Topic: Please Help Defend Marriage
thread-index: AcQNp7+qVcaDTQxORxS2FKEvvFW/bA==
Reply-To: <EmailInfo.ReplyToEmail>
From: "United Families International" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please Help Defend Marriage
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 04:45:59 -0700
Importance: normal
Priority: normal
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Mar 2004 11:46:00.0017 (UTC) FILETIME=[BFB42410:01C40DA7]

Please Note: You are receiving this alert from United Families International because you signed the Defend Marriage "United States Petition to Defend Marriage" and asked to be kept informed about critical developments on this issue. Defend Marriage is a project of <http://www.unitedfamilies.org>United Families International.
March 18th, 2004


Please Help Stop International Action That Could Threaten Marriage in the U.S.!

Dear Friend,

Your urgent action is needed to help stop a proposed international action that would threaten our ability to defend marriage in the U.S. What was once considered to be our worst nightmare could soon become a stark reality unless we act quickly. An arm of the United Nations (UN), The United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC), will be considering sexual orientation provisions at an international conference next week that could establish homosexual behavior as an international "human right." If this happens it would pave the way for activists throughout the world to demand the legalization of same sex marriage.

If it is not stopped, these provisions would undoubtedly affect marriage in the U.S. For example, U.S. judges are increasingly looking to UN polices and international norms in rendering their decisions on domestic issues. The U.S Supreme Court justices did just this as part of their rationale for overturning Texas' anti-sodomy laws last summer.

The UN mandate does not include social engineering nor the dictating of social norms to member states and it is clearly overstepping its bounds by even considering this proposal.

We adamantly oppose the UNHRC sexual orientation provisions for three reasons:

1. Attempts to legalize same sex marriage around the world would be substantially strengthened if homosexual behavior becomes an internationally recognized "human right." The resolution, if passed, undoubtedly would be cited by the U.S. Supreme Court and state appellate courts to (1) overturn Defense of Marriage laws at the state and federal level and (2) challenge state constitutional provisions defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. They did it on the Texas anti-sodomy law and they would surely do it again.

2. The provisions would seriously threaten religious freedom. Already, courts in various countries have punished people who have exercised freedom of expression in teaching their religious beliefs on homosexuality. If homosexuality becomes an internationally recognized "human right," churches and organizations throughout the world that teach that homosexuality is wrong, that do not grant homosexuals equal participation in their activities, or that exclude them from leadership positions will be at risk of legal sanctions.

3. Since the definition of sexual orientation has not been limited or defined in any way by the United Nations, it would be difficult to restrict this newly proposed "right" to just homosexuals and lesbians. It is but one logical step for pedophiles to demand protection under this clause by simply claiming their "sexual orientation" is towards children. In fact, MABLA, the Men and Boy Love Association, has been seeking recognition at the United Nations and is an active supporter of the gay and lesbian groups who lobby there.


1. Call and/or email the White House and tell the president that the U.S. must stand firm against UNCHR provisions designed to establish homosexual behavior as an international human right or that would elevate sexual orientation and place it in the same category as race, religion, and other fundamental characteristics. Explain that establishing homosexual behavior as an international human right would pave the way for the mandatory legalization of homosexual marriage.

You can call the White House Comment Line at 202-456-1111 or e-mail the president at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have made it easy for you to send the president an e-mail through our Web site by providing a suggested text and allowing you to send it to the president by a single mouse click. Just <http://www.unitedfamilies.org/geneva_alert.cfm>click here to go to this page.

It is critical that the president hear from us on this issue because if the U.S. stands firm in its opposition, these provisions likely will not pass. If the president and his advisors know that enough U.S. citizens are carefully watching the actions of our UN delegations, it will make a difference as it has on past issues. But, without the president's specific direction to them, the U.S. delegation may not make the defeat of these provisions a high enough priority.

2. E-mail the heads of the UN missions of the 53 countries that are members of the Human Rights Commission. Again, we have created a feature on our Web site that provides a simple message to e-mail them allows you to send it to all 53 of these UN missions with just the click of your mouse. <http://www.unitedfamilies.org/geneva_alert.cfm>Click here.

Some of these countries are not accustomed to having citizen input on these issues and if enough of us e-mail them it is guaranteed to get their attention.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to make your voice heard on this issue!


Sharon Slater
President, United Families International

Important Note: UFI is one of the most effective organizations in the world fighting to defend marriage and the family at the UN and in other international forums. But the increased international activity we are now seeing, along with our stepped up efforts to defend marriage and the family in Canada and the U.S., are seriously straining our budget. Our effectiveness is completely dependent on the financial support of people like you.

Please support our efforts by going to <https://www425.ssldomain.com/unitedfamilies/contribute.asp>our website and making an <https://www425.ssldomain.com/unitedfamilies/contribute.asp>online contribution or print out our mail in contribution form. If you have not become an official member of UFI we would also invite you to do so by <http://www.unitedfamilies.org/become_a_member.asp>clicking here.

You can help in this effort even more by forwarding this alert on to others!

Thank you for your help!

UNITED FAMILIES INTERNATIONAL PO Box 2630 Gilbert, Arizona 85299-2630

Phone: (480) 507-2664
Fax: (480) 545-8382
Web site: <http://www.unitedfamilies.org>www.unitedfamilies.org

Jonathan Scott
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