Got the following exception while doing some work on a Zope instance
here. It's the first time I see such error.

    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 704, in setstate
    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 760, in _setstate
    * Module ZODB.serialize, line 495, in setGhostState
    * Module ZODB.serialize, line 488, in getState
    * Module ZODB.serialize, line 436, in _persistent_load
    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 207, in get
    * Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 746, in load
    * Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 769, in loadEx
    * Module ZEO.ServerStub, line 192, in loadEx
    * Module ZEO.zrpc.connection, line 536, in call

CorruptedDataError: Error reading oid 0x0178c2. Found
at 94379992

Any hint to what can be done to recover from this situation?

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems, Inc.
Phone +1 713 942 2377 Ext 214      Fax +1 832 201 8856
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