Jim Fulton wrote:

On Apr 27, 2007, at 9:30 PM, David Pratt wrote:

Hi Jim. I have been quite interested in this also so have experimented and continue on this also. The way I am doing the networking it similar to ngi I have put this together before you defined these interfaces.

I'm not sure which "this" you're referring to. I assume you mean using Twisted for ZEO. I don't see that that has much to do with the new storage interfaces.

Yes, Twisted for ZEO. No, I was referring to the interfaces you were setting up - the interfaces to ngi.

In what way is your networking similar to ngi?

The interfaces are similar. The system I am putting together is pretty symmetrical and I like the language which is more consistent with twisted's use of factories. You were using this language before in your initial proposal to ngi but many of the interfaces are now name differently named. See how nice and symmetrical this looks :-)


Note that I wrote ngi based on a misunderstanding of Twisted. :( I didn't realize that Twisted application code didn't touch sockets and therefore could be tested without using sockets, threads or subprocesses. IMO, this is Twisted's most important feature. I recently finished my first Twisted application and I was very pleased with my ability to create sane tests for it, although it's test support infrastructure could use improvement, which I plan to do.

I have got a basic transport to use prospective broker and banana protocol. So a client and server but I have not yet put together the methods for interacting with the storage.

I plan to stick with the existing ZEO protocol, both for compatibility and for performance reasons.

Banana protocol is efficient and extensible. It has its own producer/consumer so no need to roll you own system as you have for ZEO. I think you will find banana an efficient serialization of objects.

As far as compatibility, I am not sure the past always needs to equal the future. It is probably the methods for zrpc that are important, not the transport - at least that is my thinking. This is the obvious downside of ZEO at the moment is that is too tied to asyncore. In fact, I started by trying to replicate much of what was in ZEO - then I threw it away because something simpler I believe is possible.

If a new system can transport the objects and execute the methods, isn't that all it is supposed to do? On top of it, what if something better comes around - the methods that you are executing on both sides are the important part and the transport should be transparent. I think this could produce a much cleaner and understandable system.

On top of it, it doesn't upset anything with current zeo for users that currently use this. It could in fact be developed and run in parallel, not that you would want to run it that way :-). Another obvious advantage is that twisted project has tests for most of this already so that is also a big plus.

Out of curiosity, does perspective broker
support one-way calls, messages sent without replies? Scanning the docs, I can't tell. Of course, not waiting for replies is inherent in Twisted's defered model I suppose.


To set up something to work with I create both a TCP and SSL clientfactory so I bring them into the multiservice when zope is started. This way you do not need a separate loop to run the service which is the current way zeo runs. At the same time this does not interfere with the current zope setup. I have no proof one way or the other that this will not work as efficiently on a single twisted loop with the second asyncore loop. I still have to hook up database methods and I had put this on a backburner for a while since I have had other things to do.

In any case, the client setup in zope requires only minor modification of the zope.app.twisted main.py since the script only deals with servers and not clients at the moment. The clients are reconnecting clients so will continue to try reconnecting if connection is lost in gradually increasing time intervals.

On the server side I have the server working using zconfig and zdaemon in a similar way to way it is setup for zope itself. I have been looking at the zope3recipes since I am working on getting this into a buildout to continue since I am quite happy with the way buildouts work.

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