I'm experiencing some very frustrating issues with ZODB blob storage and am
wondering if anyone has a pointer for me here.

Basically, if we try to migrate a lot of our files to blobs or import/move
large amounts of blob files, we'll get this error:

  invalidations out of order, None < '\x03\x88\xf8c^\x8eG\xdd'

I've found
 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/zodb/+bug/509801

I'm running ZODB 3.8.5 on the zeo clients with Plone and Zope 2.10.11 and
ZODB 3.9.5 on the zeoserver(we're running ZRS which requires ZODB 3.9
series--that's why it's different). I had thought the once we moved to ZODB
3.9.5 that this problem would disappear according the the resources I found;
however, it seems that they are still present--turns out it's a client
problem... We can't move the clients to zodb 3.9.5 since Zope 2.10.11 is not
compatible with it.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has had some suggested resolutions to the
problem. Is it safe to drop the client's zodb version down to 3.8.4 so where
the problem doesn't seem to exist? Or is it possible to backport the fix to
a 3.8.6 release perhaps? I'm not entirely familiar with the zodb code, but
I'd be willing to do the work if that was the only option.

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