On 14 October 2010 01:28, Darryl Dixon - Winterhouse Consulting
<darryl.di...@winterhouseconsulting.com> wrote:
>> On 13/10/2010 15:23, Jim Fulton wrote:
>>> You can connect to the monitor port in 3.9 and earlier,
>>> if the monitor port is configured.  In 3.10, the monitor server is
>>> replaced by a ZEO client method, server_status. This tells you
>>> much the same information that's in the log messages.
>> Okay, monitor port up and running now.
>> I see commits listed when I'm not expecting any.
>> Do we have any kind of "tail -f /some/filestorage.fs" yet? (or have we
>> always had such a tool) to see what the last few transactions in the
>> underlying file storage look like in a human-readable form?
> fsdump.py gets you pretty close (ZODB/scripts/fsdump.py). Between that and
> the Undo log for the DB inside Zope, you might be able to figure it out...

There's also fstail:

$ bin/zopepy -m ZODB.scripts.fstail var/filestorage/Data.fs
2010-09-03 22:15:17.658204: hash=2e11770947c4c9af50cfec0183c38b460507cad6
user=' admin' description='/Plone/login_failed' length=1126 offset=8229031

2010-08-21 23:28:12.580279: hash=c1e7af2df41b6506db65681bc7f2f58587cb8b8b
user=' admin' description='/Plone/front-page/plone_lock_operations/safe_unlock'
length=279 offset=8228776

2010-08-21 23:28:03.903884: hash=9ca763b978c804c87d920945d4c0b5470bb3aad4
user=' admin' description='/Plone/atct_edit' length=919 offset=8227814

2010-08-21 23:28:01.835501: hash=dec67acaa2685822d68d586ef83eff13e12d3e78
user=' admin' description='/Plone/front-page/plone_lock_operations/safe_unlock'
length=279 offset=8227562

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