Am 22.07.2013 13:27, schrieb Jim Fulton:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Christian Tismer <> wrote:
This is my last emission for tonight.

I would be using ZODB as a nice little package if it was one.

There should be nothing else but


Instead, there is

    ZODB3   (zlibstorage)

and what I might have forgotton.

There is also
which I think is very usefull and general-purpose, and I wan to keep it,
also I will try to push it into standard CPython.

So, while all the packages are not really large, there are too many
touched, and things like "Zope Enterprize Objects" are not meant to be here
as open source pretending modules which the user never asked for.

Despite it's tech-bubblishish acronym expansion, which
few people are aware of, ZEO is the standard client-server
component of ZODB, is widely used, and is certainly open source.

I think these things could be re-packed into a common namespace
and be made simpler.

If ZODB had been born much later, it would certainly have used
a namespace package.  Now, it would be fairly disruptive to change

Even zope.interface could be removed from
this intended-to-be user-friendly simple package.

I don't understand what you're saying.  It's a dependency
if ZODB.

So while the amount of code is astonishingly small, the amount of
abstraction layering tells the reader that this was never really meant to
be small.

And this makes average, simple-minded users like me shy away and go
back to simpler modules like Durus.

But the latter has serious other pitfalls, which made me want to re-package ZODB into something small, pretty, tool-ish, versatile thing for the pocket.

Actually I'm trying to re-map ZOPE to the simplistic Durus interface,
without its short-comings and lack of support.
I think a successfully down-scaled, isolated package with ZODB's
great implementation, but a more user-oriented interface would
help ZODB a lot to get widely accepted and incorporated into very
many projects.
Right now people are just too much concerned of implicit complication which
actually does not exist.

I volunteer to start such a project. Proposing the name "david", as opposed
to "goliath".

ZODB is an old project that has accumulated some cruft over the years,

- I've tried to simplify it and, with the exception of ZEO,
  I think it's pretty straightforward.

- ZODB is used by a lot of people with varying
  needs and tastes.  The fact that it is pretty modular has
  allowed a lot of useful customizations.

- I'm pretty happy with the layered storage architecture.

- With modern package installation tools like buildout and pip,
  having lots of dependencies shouldn't be a problem.
  ZODB uses lots of packages that have uses outside of ZODB.
  I consider this a strength, not a weakness.

  Honestly, I have no interest in catering to users who don't use
  buildout, or pip, or easy_install.

- The biggest thing ZODB needs right now is documentation.
  Unfortunately, this isn't easy. There is,
  but much better documentation is needed.

Very much agreed. The most important thing to mention here is IMO
the use of virtualenv which keeps your python installation's
site packages clean. I don't mind if a certain package I need
pulls in any number of dependencies, as the are resolved
automagiaclly. @Chris: Maybe you could explain a bit more, why that
bothers you? Which brings me to the second most important thing here:
documentation. As you seem to be starting a new project using ZODB,
maybe you could come up with a "Getting started with ZODB in your
own project" or so which would (how I picture it) include a step
by step walkthrough from zero to writing some simple Persistent
classes and using them. That woul make your life easier in the
long run as steps written down correctly tend to be very easy to
reproduce. On the other hand the community would benefit from some
neice peace of documentation.

Is there a ZODB wiki (didn't find one), where we could gather this
stuff? I've come accross a whole bunch of useful code snippets that
a use seldomly but which are very, very useful then. For example
"how do i find/retrieve a object with oid 0xYYYYYYY?", "How do I copy
transactions starting whith tid xxx from one ZODB to another?"

I keep these in my private CMS, where they are obviously only useful
to me. Time for a ZODB wiki?!



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