On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Jerry Jelinek <gerald.jeli...@sun.com> wrote:
>     The native brand installer will accept the following new arguments:
>     -a {path} - specifies a path to an archive to unpack into the zone
>     -d {path} - specifies a path to a tree of files as the source for the
>                 installation.
>     -p        - preserve system configuration (either -p or -u required).
>     -s        - install silently
>     -u        - sys-unconfig(1M) the zone after installing it
>     -v        - verbose output from the install process
>     The -p, -s, -u and -v options are only allowed when -a or -d is
>     provided.  If -a or -d is not given, then the zone is installed using the
>     existing mechanism.

Can an option be added to not make another copy of the data?  That is,
if I have already gotten the bits in place on disk that I am happy
with, please don't copy them again (mv and "zfs set mountpoint" are OK
if needed).

Usage scenarios:

1) I restored a physical system from backups and need to attach it as
a zone.  For example

mkdir /zones/oops
metainit d1234 -p d50 8G
echo /dev/md/dsk/d1234 /dev/md/rdsk/d1234 /zones/oops ufs 1 yes - >> /etc/vfstab
mount /zones/oops
chmod 700 /zones/oops
mkdir /zones/oops/root
use your favorite backup/restore tool to restore to /zones/oops/root
p2v it

2) Create zones as clones of /

zfs snapshot rpool/ROOT/snv_...@zonemaster
zfs clone rpool/ROOT/snv_1...@zonemaster rpool/zones/new
mkdir /zones/new/root
mv /zones/new/* /zones/new/root
p2v it, with sys-unconfig

Mike Gerdts
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