Hi Gustavo,
 There was some talk of  startTransaction(), addTransaction(), commit() kind
of api on the list.

Here is the link:


Mostly looked like this wasn¹t on our roadmap for short term, but definitely
something to think about longer term.


On 8/23/10 3:32 PM, "Gustavo Niemeyer" <gust...@niemeyer.net> wrote:

>> So, we end up with something like this:
>>    A/B
>>    A/C/D-0
>>    A/C/D-1
> While people are thinking, let me ask this more explicitly: how hard
> would it be to add multi-step atomic actions to Zookeeper?
> The interest is specifically to:
> 1) Avoid intermediate states to be persisted when the client creating
> the state crashes
> 2) Avoid intermediate states to be seen while a coordination structure
> is being put in place
> I understand that there are tricks which may be used to avoid some of
> the related problems by dealing with locks, liveness nodes, and "side
> services" which monitor and clean up the state, but it'd be fantastic
> to have some internal support in Zookeeper to make these actions
> simpler and less error prone.  It feels like, given Zookeeper
> guarantees, it shouldn't be too hard to extend the protocol to offer
> some basic-level operation grouping (e.g. multi-create and
> multi-delete, at least).
> Does that make sense?
> --
> Gustavo Niemeyer
> http://niemeyer.net
> http://niemeyer.net/blog
> http://niemeyer.net/twitter

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