We just wrote a very simple helper method that splits the path up and
creates each parent in the path.  Its a total of 5 lines of code.
This isn't as efficient as it can be though if you're doing it
frequently (which we don't do), but it works for us.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:35 AM, David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net> wrote:
> On 10/05/2010 06:20 PM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
>> The ZK "create" method explicitly states in the documentation "If the
>> parent node does not exist in the ZooKeeper, a KeeperException with
>> error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown." (
>> (http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/current/api/org/apache/zookeeper/ZooKeeper.html#create%28java.lang.String,%20byte[],%20java.util.List,%20org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode%29))
>> As a result, there doesn't appear to be any one single method call that
>> can create a node, along with any missing parent nodes. This would be an
>> incredibly useful API call, though, akin to HDFS' "mkdirs" method call.
>> (http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.20.1/api/org/apache/hadoop/fs/FileSystem.html#mkdirs%28org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path%29)
>> Anybody know if there's a call like this available somewhere in the ZK
>> API?
>> Thanks,
>> DR
> I guess that's a no.  :-(
> DR

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