I don't think you faired that badly. ;-)

One obvious problem is the removal of the 'defaultSkin' directive,  
which is still in use by CMFDefault. The rest looks harmless.

I am not opposed to ditching the trunk, but I don't think keeping it  
in sync (if only for a transition period) is impossible either.


On 03.02.2009, at 13:56, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

> It becomes somewhat hard and annoying to keep the old full Zope trunk
> tree based on externals in sync with the Zope2 buildout and its KGS
> definition and it seems I failed yesterday.
> I'd suggest we reorganize the Zope trunk and replace it by the current
> buildout. As part of that we can move the code that has been moved to
> its own projects like Acquisition and DateTime out of the main tree.
> I'd volunteer to do this work if nobody objects.

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