On 06/04/2013 10:08 AM, Adam GROSZER wrote:
On 06/03/2013 04:59 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:
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On 06/03/2013 09:04 AM, Adam GROSZER wrote:
On 06/03/2013 02:37 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:

On 06/02/2013 09:00 PM, Zope tests summarizer wrote:
This is the summary for test reports received on the zope-tests
list between 2013-06-01 00:00:00 UTC and 2013-06-02 00:00:00 UTC:

I'm not sure where we are with these failures.  I can't reproduce
the exact failures on fresh checkouts, but I believe we are in a
weird state due to a combination of factors:

- - distribute / setuptools merger - - PyPI now HTTPS-only - - PyPI
CDN caching?

I think we should be aiming to switch our bootstraps over ASAP to
pick up setuptools 0.7:  it doesn't appear to be simple at the
moment to get that installed, as there is no 'ez_setup.py' in the
beta location:


I think it's the first. It seems to be a distribute vs setuptools
fight. I recently installed distribute in site-packages, but that does
not seem to help.

Would it help to update to setuptools-0.7 in the 'site-packages'
(removing distribute completely)?  I have the feeling that the faster we
put setuptools-0.6 and distribute behind us, the better off we will be.

I've played with it some this morning:  the major issue for our buildouts
is to get an 'ez_setup.py' selected which doesn't look for setuptools-0.7
on PyPI -- I don't quite know why, but it is only available here:


The attached file woks for me using e.g.:

  $ /path/to/python bootstrap.py --setup-source=file:///tmp/ez_setup.py

Seems like installing setuptools-0.7.1.tar.gz in site-packages solved
it. No need to add --setup-source to bootstrap.

See here:


As next if setuptools-0.7 is the ultimate solution we should push the
guys to use and respect tests on windows. That might catch problems

Meeeh now the other half seems to fail...

We should decide what's the current stable mix of tools, then a script or someone needs to go through all packages.

Or, I'll use again a central bootstrap.py for all packages. Which is kind of misleading in tests.

Best regards,
Quote of the day:
The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.
- Abraham Lincoln
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