
Adam Groszer wrote:
> Hello Christian,
> Yep, but...
> What is the `good` behaviour regarding None values?
> Do we need to catalog them or skip them?
> Example:
> If the object is (user.title == None)
> Shall it be kept in the catalog or not?
> In case it is not in the catalog I won't be able to search for users
> with no title. Suggestions?
> At the moment the AttributeIndex works like this.

Ah, I didn't see that question in your original mail, so you said:

  I found that z.a.catalog, AttributeIndex fails to remove the previous
  value/object from the index IF the new value is None.

From this I derived that removing the value would be the right thing to
do. I didn't see the question about whether to index None or not.

IIRC the FieldIndex in Zope 2 uses None as a valid value to index and to
search for.

If I read the source and tests correctly, it's just an implementation
accident, because someone used None as a getattr() marker instead of
using a unique marker like object().

At least there is no test and no interface description that says that
None should not be indexed.


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