On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 10:11:55PM -0400, R. David Murray wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, RC Compaan wrote:
> > What does the "Precondition" property of the file class refer to?
> As far as I can tell from a quick scan of the source, the precondition
> is an object that is called just before the file object is rendered.
> It can raise an exception, in which case the object will not get
> rendered.  I could swear I read that documented somewhere, but I
> can't find it.  Someone should submit a doc patch for the API help
> pane.  I'd do it, but I haven't gotten around to learning how the
> help system works yet so I don't know what file to patch <grin>.


      Allows you to specify a precondition for the File. A precondition is a
      method or document which is executed before the File is viewed or
      downloaded. If the precondition raises an exception then the File cannot
      be viewed. 

This is from the Help page presented when you click the 'help' button on the
'Edit' tab of a 'File' object.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations          http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope               http://www.zope.org/
| ZopeStudio: http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeStudio

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