On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Peter Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This happens from time to time and I've never really understood how it
> ends up like this.
> There's no zopeinstance/var/zopectlsock socket which means that
> zopectl stop|restart|start just spits out "daemon manager not running"
> When in fact, Zope is running. It's there when you run `netstat -nptl`
> and you can go to the.
> If I do go in to http://localhost:8080/Control_Panel/manage_main and
> Shutdown the next time I'll be able to use zopectl happily.
> Does anybody know what's going on with and why it goes missing?
> I have a vague suspicion that it might have something to do with my
> init.d restart script and rebooting of the server but I could be
> wrong.

If this in a buildout, then you you ran bin/buildout which nuked your
parts/instance directory with the socket. This is a bug in
zope2instance where it sets the CLIENT_HOME to parts/instance instead
of a part-specific subdirectory of var/

Martijn Pieters
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