A new response has been given to the issue **plone3_buildout fails**
in the tracker **Issue tracker** by **Cris Ewing**.

Response Information

  plone3_buildout fails (http://plone.org/products/zopeskel/issues/49)

Unconfirmed -> Rejected

**Response Details**::

    Glad to know it was user error :)

    It would be nice, but zopeskel is not the place for that type of
    warning.  Zopeskel is pretty much neutral as to which flavor of
    plone you happen to be using when you run it.  You can start
    packages for plone3 using zopeskel in python 2.6, for instance.
    Maybe buildout would offer some way to detect a python version
    mismatch, but I'm not really sure how.


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