Hi, Phil, Mike.
Looks like I found the root cause of this bug. It is caused by the different behavior of JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle when anti-aliasing is on/off. Initial bug exists from the beginning of macosx-port: https://java.net/jira/browse/MACOSX_PORT-47. The root cause of this bug was not fixed(as a fix, all aqua rendering was changed to use antialiasing-on by default). So all our components looks good, and custom components looks bad because in jdk6 anti-aliasing is on by default and in jdk 7 is off by default.

Here is a test which fail on jdk6 and jdk7:
If you add "bg.setRenderingHint(KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);" to the createBufferedImage() it is passed.

Some technical details:
- In both cases we call CGGlyphImages.m.CGGI_CreateGlyphInfos, which calls JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle - JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle is called with the same transform, len, glyphs, CTFontRef. Only JRSFontRenderingStyle is different. - JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle return inverted values when anti-aliasing is off.

Of course I can invert received AdvancesY, when anti-aliasing is off, but probably it is better to fix JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle and cover jdk6 and jdk7 in the same time?


On 22.05.2013 3:47, Phil Race wrote:

This needs another look.  Although it fixed some clearly broken cases,
there is a rotated tab pane label option in SwingSet2, and it turns
out that at least for me that was working *before* the fix and now
its broken. So I suppose that there are 2 pieces of code interpreting
the sign of the advance with different expectations.

Since only Aqua does that rotation for the tab pane label, I think the
special case is there .. where it likely expected the original CT
coordinate system.

The bug report in the test case uses custom rendering so
won't fall into that case as had seemed likely from the synopsis.


On 5/21/2013 2:27 PM, Phil Race wrote:
I think this fix is fine. In the other rasteriser cases we use
(T2K, freetype) we also  flip the sign of the y advance as it is stored
as the image y advance. It looks like this was just missing here.
This change should then only affect the final glyph rendering.


On 5/21/2013 12:40 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for jdk 8.
On OSX advanceY in the glyphInfo is inverted.
It is used to increment position when the glyph is drawn as part of a string of text:
@see DrawGlyphList.c.setupBlitVector():
    for (g=0; g<len; g++) {
        ginfo = (GlyphInfo*)imagePtrs[g];
        FLOOR_ASSIGN(gbv->glyphs[g].y, y + ginfo->topLeftY);
        y += ginfo->advanceY;

advances are initialized in the CGGlyphImages.m via JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle(). Note that JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle use "strike->fTx" and the origin of this transform is relative to the bottom-left corner baseline. So we should pass "strike->fAltTx" to the JRSFontGetAdvancesForGlyphsAndStyle(Not sure is it ok or not) OR to invert the received advance.height.

Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7190349
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/7190349/webrev.00

Best regards, Sergey.

Best regards, Sergey.

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