On 22.04.2014 0:16, Jim Graham wrote:
Hi Sergey,

That's a really large "worst spread" on the first and 3rd set of benchmark results. Was the machine quiet during the benchmark run?
Yes, sure. All programs were closed, antivirus disabled, power management was disabled too.
Since the variance is larger than the performance gain in some cases it might be worth getting another set of runs with a lower variance.
Most of the time the fixed version much faster, even then the worst spread: 66.19% variance:

OGL-base-nvidia-windows: 107.6372116 (var=88.61%) (100.0%)
OGL-fix-nvidia-windows: 1455.235315 (var=66.19%) (1351.98%)

Also, the 8% result for the D3D benchmark seems really slow - I'm guessing this is comparing D3D to OGL which doesn't reflect on this particular fix, but it shows that something we do in D3D is horribly slow compared to the OGL equivalent - which operation is that?
This is a blit from the huge(1000x1000) native surface to the buffered image.


On 4/21/14 7:17 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for jdk 9.
This issue initially was found in FX[1], and there is description of
this problem.
In the fix the flip operation is done using memcpy after the whole image
was moved from gpu to cpu.

[1] https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-30035
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8041129
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8041129/webrev.01

Windows 7 x64, lenovo T410, nvidia NVS 3100M
base ogl vs base d3d vs fixed ogl
     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  2239.9261323744704
     Best spread:      1.72% variance
     Worst spread:     88.61% variance
     (Basis for results comparison)

     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  166667.93024226945
     Best spread:      1.23% variance
     Worst spread:     66.19% variance
     Comparison to basis:
       Best result:      13719.74% of basis
       Worst result:     97.17% of basis
       Number of wins:   8
       Number of ties:   1
       Number of losses: 1

     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  29755.21747098
     Best spread:      0.34% variance
     Worst spread:     61.12% variance
     Comparison to basis:
       Best result:      12068.41% of basis
       Worst result:     8.05% of basis
       Number of wins:   6
       Number of ties:   0
       Number of losses: 4

OSX 10.8.5, macbook pro retina, nvidia GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB

     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  710.7070782394075
     Best spread:      0.73% variance
     Worst spread:     5.72% variance
     (Basis for results comparison)

     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  11032.674771293528
     Best spread:      0.62% variance
     Worst spread:     8.14% variance
     Comparison to basis:
       Best result:      4659.95% of basis
       Worst result:     169.66% of basis
       Number of wins:   10
       Number of ties:   0
       Number of losses: 0

OSX 10.8.5, macbook pro retina, Intel HD Graphics 4000
     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  3993.5366388495613
     Best spread:      0.65% variance
     Worst spread:     20.91% variance
     (Basis for results comparison)

     Number of tests:  10
     Overall average:  10197.361705976433
     Best spread:      0.72% variance
     Worst spread:     38.4% variance
     Comparison to basis:
       Best result:      491.0% of basis
       Worst result:     108.61% of basis
       Number of wins:   10
       Number of ties:   0
       Number of losses: 0

Thanks to Anton for the initial version of the fix.

Best regards, Sergey.

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