On 28/05/2015 10:10, Volker Simonis wrote:
Yes, but as I wrote, there is a hard dependency from some of the
sun.font classes to some non-standard charsets:

sun.font.X11GB2312 -> sun.nio.cs.EUC_CN
sun.font.X11GBK -> sun.nio.cs.GBK
sun.font.X11KSC5601 -> sun.nio.cs.EUC_KR

If I decide that I don't want to put EUC_CN in the set of standard
charsets on a specific OS, I won't be able to build. I have opened
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8081332 for this issue and
have an easy fix out for review which just adds the corresponding
stdcs-aix file on AIX.

But still I think it is bad that compiling the sun.font.* package
which is part of the 'java.desktop' module requires the manual
maintenance of an OS-dependent 'stdcs-<os>' file. I think it would be
much better if either all the charsets referenced by 'sun.font.*' are
in the standard charset by default or the other way round if we only
reference standard charsets from 'sun.font.*'.

Footprint is a concern for java.base so this is why it only contains the 6 standard charsets and any additional charsets that are needed to run in supported configurations. For the AIX port then the size of java.base might not be a concern and you might decide to put most or all of the extended charsets into java.base.

It would be nice if sun.font.* did not directly depend on sun.nio.cs.*. One of Phil's initial patches attempted to address this but at the cost of copying charset code into the java.desktop module. Some of us have maintenance concerns with doing that. Our main goal wasn't to address this long standing dependency, instead it was to address the dependency on classes in the provider module. Maybe it's time to re-visit the dependency on sun.nio.cs too.


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