Any volunteers? =)

On 16.07.2017 16:42, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for jdk10.
The cleanup was done in the same way as for datatransfer, sound and accessibility packages(see links in the CR).

I suggest to check the specdiff first, because for some methods the specification was reworked. CSR will be filed after technical review.

Webrev can be found at:

In this fix the javadoc is updated and the next rules were applied:
  - <tag> should be replaced by {@tag }
  - 80 column limit
  - description of the class/method/field should be followed by dot
- @param, @return should not end with a dot, except a case when more than one sentences are used
  - empty line after description/before the first tag was added
  - unnecessary empty lines were removed
  - sets of spaces in the middle of text were deleted
  - @param, @throws, @return should be aligned, to be more readable
  - unnecessary imports should be removed
- the "null"/"true"/"false"/"this"/"ClassName" should be wrapped in {@code } when necessary
  - the order of different tags were unified across the package
... etc

There are also some mixing of different "reference usage", for example "InputStream" vs "input stream", "String" vs "string", etc. I tried to fix some of them.

Best regards, Sergey.

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