I am also using the Korg Electribe-R for almost a year now and it is a verry
versatile piece of equipment. The ER-1 has a unique sound and is easy to
use. Juan Atkins used it alot on his latest releases. The DEMF Electribe
ER-1 demo can be viewed at http://groovetecg.com/demf.


> I've been unofficially endorsing the Electribe ER-1 drum 
> machine for the
> past few months. a lot of people have bought it based on my 
> recommendation
> and everyone so far loves it. its perfect for beginners and 
> pros alike. it
> does everything you could imagine and more. check it out at 
> the Korg.com
> site. also check the video of my DEMF performance which 
> relied heavily on
> that little drum box (hows that for a live demo of what it 
> can do?) :^)
> sean

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