> Playing electronic music "live" is a misnomer as all/most of the sounds Carl
> Craig uses are from samplers, drum machines, keyboards, and other sound
> modules... a more appropriate question would be if he used a sequencer or
> not. 
> I saw him play in NYC about a month ago with DJ Spooky and he didn't use a
> sequencer.... hence it was a live show :)

not to get into semantics but..... though I know what you're getting at
about sequencers, I must disagree.  I am working on live shows relying very
heavily on sequencing, but starting off with a blank screen, and playing in
every note. This to me is as live as a one man show can get, other than
those cats who wear the drum on their back while playing harmonica and
guitar and singing.  It also allows you to adapt your music in a real time
way, rather than just tweak knobs to a pre written tune,  while still
retaining elements of the tracks they know and love. (I've got a lot of
classic tunes the kids wanna hear, ha ha!)


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