Greetings cats!

I am taking time out of my busy schedule to write this e-mail because of a 
flyer which I received last night. This flyer is for the HOUSE EXPLOSION 2000 
party scheduled to take place here in Detroit on Saturday, November 25th at 
the Majestic Theater. 

The flyer IMPLIES / INFERS that Delano Smith, Jeff Mills, and myself (TP) 
will be spinning this event along with the other scheduled DJs. The flyer 
reads as follows:

House Explosion 2000 with sounds by house legends Rick "The Godson" Wilhite, 
Theo Parrish, Steve Crawford, Norm Talley, Keith Worthy, Al Ester  . . . . 
PLUS SPECIAL INVITED GUESTS: Delano Smith, Jeff Mills, and Terrance Parker.

Now beyond the obvious misspelling of my name, there is a much deeper attempt 
to deceive you good people with this flyer which is based upon an old school 
Detroit promotional trick which cats would use back when I was in high school 
in the 1980s.
The promoter knows that just by putting our names on the flyer, that the word 
of mouth network here in Detroit will spread the word that we are all 
definitely spinning at this party.  

With all due and proper respect to my friends Rick, Theo, Norm, Keith, Al, 
Delano, and Jeff, I want to assure you that I, TERRENCE PARKER am NOT 
spinning at this event. I was asked to spin at this event while in the middle 
of my set at the party two weeks ago. At that time, I told 
the promoter that I do NOT discuss business at clubs/parties, and that he 
should get with me AFTER I have finished my set so we could discuss a time 
when we could talk about his request. This cat tried to continue the 
conversation, even though I was CLEARLY in the act of performing my DJ set. 
Finally, I told this cat to leave the DJ booth. I never heard back from him, 
or heard anything else about this party until I received this flyer last 
night with my name on it. 

Furthermore, knowing JEFF as I do, I am sure he has NOTHING to do with this 
event. Jeff probably knows nothing about it. I also know that Jeff has 
specific feelings with regard to how his DJ bookings are handled (especially 
as they relate to events here in Detroit). I'm sure many of you on the 313 
list, and cats here in Detroit remember the last big Jeff Mills controversy 
surrounding a Thanksgiving party here in Detroit (which was not Jeff's 
fault). So I have forwarded a copy of this e-mail to Jeff and his management.

My guess is that Delano also did not commit to this event. Thus Delano, Jeff, 
and myself conveniently become know as special invited guest according to the 

Now maybe I'm wrong! Perhaps Jeff & Delano are going to spin at this event. 
But knowing how the promoter approached me, and Steve Crawford, I seriously 
doubt it. 

I just want to make it clear that I AM NOT SPINNING AT THIS EVENT. I HAVE THE 
HIGHEST RESPECT FOR Rick Wilhite, Theo Parrish, Steve Crawford, Norm Talley, 
Keith Worthy, Al Ester, Delano Smith, AND Jeff Mills. I SUPPORT THEM! I DO 
authorization to use my name in ANY MANNER in connection with their event.

ON THAT SAME NOTE, the Trancended cats behind the "Won't You Be My Neighbor" 
party on DEC 8 2000 in Detroit, have also used my name without my 
authorization. Their E-Flyer courtesy of the site reads as 

With performances by 
Craig Gonzalez, Terrence Parker, Derek Plaisako, CDX, Whistleboi, Saul Good, 
Legal Alien, Interzone, Tom Linder, Big Loda

Again, with all due respect to T.Linder, Derek, CDX and the other DJs 
involved with this event, I want to make it clear that I am NOT spinning at 
this event. These cats had no authorization to use my name in ANY MANNER in 
connection with their event.

This matter regarding both the November 25th and December 8th events is now 
in the hands of my legal team. Any further attempts to misappropriate my name 
likeness will not be tolerated. 

peace & respect,


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