Nathan DeYonker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're flame baiting here by 
discussing the common anti-heroes of electronic music. I hope no one has 
emailed you death threats or something like that, because people on this 
list should have enough respect to realize there are people out there that
don't live on Woodward and only own KDJ records. Those people don't embody
what 313 is either.
oh well.


I think the list is about being open-minded but the discussion needs to deal
with Detroit and Detroit-influenced (the global impact of Detroit) music.  And
being open-minded I don't own just all Axis recordings.

I'm interested in all aspects of the music and the artists who put their soul
into the work and keep that feeling real, so it would be nice if 313 stayed
away from the "Oakie talk" but also kept a broad base.

more 2 cents, thanks for reading.



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