
Check out Derrick May or Stacey Pullen when they play in Detroit - people in
this part of the world talk about their sets for days, years, after and they
are fabulous. Go and support Juan Atkins for some real grooves. I bet their
are others I/we haven't seen too.

Oakenfold is in Australia this weekend with Chicane, not Grand Rapids, and
we are trying to escape him by going to Ishii and/or Recloose/Common Factor,
running away to the desert, forest, etc.



>>Subject: [313] Paul Oakenfold
>>Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 13:16:06 -0500
>>I understand that no one on this list likes Trance.  but I was just trying
>>to get some info.  Besides I love all things Electronic whether it's trance
>>or Jungle so don't jump all over someone just because they asked about
>>something you happen to hate.  I happen to love being on this list but not
>>when people are rude to someone who asks about something they hate or are
>>not as informed about music as some other people may be.

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