yeah well i grew up hanging out in detroit where racist skins would come to 
shows and fights would happen and cops would come and i learned at an early 
age _race does matter_..politics _matter_..if you choose to ignore it, if you 
choose to not be a force for change that is fine but i won't sit here and have 
someone preach that it doesn't..everything you do is political on some level


>===== Original Message From tim maughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ===== couldn't have said it better.

it really upsets me to watch you all b*tch at each other like this. when i
was a kid, techno was a unifying force...well, at least here in the UK. when
i was 16 id sneak out of home and disappear down to london for the
weekend..spend all the money i had...just to listen to techno in some dingy
warehouse...or id be spending all saturday night running through the hiddle
of but-f**k nowhere, chased by the cops, to try and find an illegal sound
system somewhere...

and the poeple i did this with - who i talked, danced, got high, and loved
with - weren't ANY color. hey - yeah..they were black, asian, white, male,
female, rich kids, ghetto kids, straight, gay, disabled...but no one cared.
no one said anything. why? cos only one thing mattered:


on 3/4/01 3:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Let's try something folks:
> 1. Pick you favorite piece of Techno.
> 2. Pop it in the CD player/turntable/tape deck or whatever.
> 3. Put your headphones on.
> 4. Sit down, relax. Press "Play" and close your eyes.
> When the track is done, open your eyes and hit "stop". Answer this
> question:
> At any time while you were listening to that piece of music, did you think
> about it's creator's race?
> No. Because it doesn't matter.
> Must we dwell on such superficial things like skin color? When you're in
> that sweat box, standing in front of the speakers, listening to the dj
> spin, moving your body to a 4/4 beat, in a circle checking out the break
> dancers, in the chill out room, does it matter?
> When you've taken one too many pills, and the medics come, and the doctors
> in the hospital pump your stomache, does his or her race make a difference?
> Remember when you were 3 or 4? In preschool, your friends are every color.
> You played with everyone; did it matter then?
> Didn't think so.
> Why does it matter now?
> TIMOTHY JOHNSON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/03/2001 09:20:08 AM
> To:
> cc:
> Subject:  Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance
> Ok let's see past the colors.  Obviously it doesn't matter anyways.  We
> can't see what color each other is over the netwaves.  That is one of the
> beauties of the internet.  If you ask me, race is not a problem.  Sure it
> would be great if we were all the same color, but we're not.  Music as well
> as the internet is a beauty in life that sees thru the colors and blends
> the culture.  Let's concentrate on the good things: music, uninhibited
> conversation, fine foods, comfort, and did Imention music?  Yeah techno
> music--my personal favorite.  Peace!
> -Keep it real, don't let the real keep you-
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