Oh boy... I'm running for cover on this one, gonna have to inform my isp
that I might be receiving a hell of alot of email in the next few days...


-----Original Message-----
From: a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 5 May 2003 1:23 PM
To: 313 Detroit
Subject: Re: (313) Madonna - Detroit

> for techno to reach a wider audience in the US and beyond we need

Why must techno reach a wider audience?

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 02:29 Atlantic/Reykjavik, Cyclone Wehner

> Someone actually wrote to me offlist, saying it's unethical to post
> about a
> non-techno Detroit artist, and I take that point, and felt momentarily
> chastised, but, then again, I feel that in order
> for techno to reach a wider audience in the US and beyond we need to
> see it
> as part of a wider music culture, not isolate it entirely.
> It's interesting
> that, like Motown's HQ, Madonna felt compelled to leave Detroit -
> though, to
> be fair, she was determined to be a dancer not singer -
> whereas the next generation of techno acts (mostly) stayed and now
> Eminem is
> staying.
> That represents a turnaround. Maybe it's generational? Maybe there is a
> sense of 'reclaiming' or 'reasserting' Detroit.
> I often wonder if Veronica Electronica, as she once dubbed herself,
> knows
> that the
> 'electronica' she has been recording has antecedents in Detroit. She
> has
> discussed 'techno' in an interview published in Mixmag a few years ago
> - in
> general terms.
> Some industry people are now saying that Detroit is the next music
> hotspot
> like 'Hotatlanta' was in the 90s. I wonder if there is a sense of this
> in
> Detroit? What implications does it have for the electronic scene?
> I admit I am a fan of Madonna's. I think any female who grew up in the
> 80s
> would see her as more than a pop artist. I don't think I would have
> done
> what I've done in life without that kind of role model as a kid. Joan
> Mitchell has accused her of ushering in the manufactured pop star, and
> she
> hrself is now retiring because of the malaise in pop, but I feel
> Madonna was
> more sophisticated. Madonna has wrtten some very brilliant pop. I rate
> Ray
> Of Light, the last albums were uneven, though.
> Incidentally I hear there is an Octave One remix of the new Massive
> Attack
> single. Anyone know anything more?
>> Heh, well when was the last time Madonna was IN the Detroit area, and
>> what
>> the hell has she ever done for Detroit?
>> She moved to New York before a lot of 313 subscribers were born...
>> She's my age for gawdsakes (45) though I'll give it up to her for
>> being
>> in better shape than me.
>> Musically my opinion of Madonna is that she sang on a couple of decent
>> Jellybean tracks and did OK, but the rest of her stuff is pretty
>> average
>> pop music. Voicewise, she has about a 7-half step range, and her
>> delivery
>> rarely rises above a jr high glee club level of artistry.
>> If you want a laugh sometime look at the sheet music for 'Music' -- I
>> like
>> the guitar tab, where the verse is G Major, and the Chorus is G
>> Minor.  I
>> bet George Gershwin would be jealous...
>> On Sun, 4 May 2003, The REAL Mxyzptlk wrote:
>>> Rochester...Northern (slightly east) suburb.

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