>Cripes that new version of 'strings of life' is truly repulsive. I
>always though those body & soul types did some dodgy mixes but this is
>pants. Who's the piano player ? mrs mills ?
is this the one sided track that staqrts with the bongo;'s?

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Philip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Tue 16/12/2003 03:37 
        To: 313 
        Subject: (313) various

        Cripes that new version of 'strings of life' is truly repulsive. I
        always though those body & soul types did some dodgy mixes but this is
        pants. Who's the piano player ? mrs mills ?
        Last night i was listening to steve reich's 'music for 18 musicians'.
        Yum. The ( cello? ) player's name is ken ishii. Not the same one,
        obviously. I thought that some of it sounded very rhythim is rhythim.
        Anyone care to take a guess what tempo this is in ? spose i could try &
        work it out myself...

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