i'll have to second that last point (to try and catch him at demf), as i
just a couple of days ago listened to a set of his that was posted here a
while back, and enjoyed it immensely.  can't recommend it enough.


On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, Kent williams wrote:

> Shawn's set here was so awesome, it blew my minidisc's mind and it shut
> off after a few minutes ;-)
> Seriously though, Shawn is one of very few people who makes live techno the
> sort of emotional, interactive, musically exciting thing that it can be.
> It's famously difficult to produce music live with the precision techno
> demands, and yet have any spontaneity and excitement. Shawn nails it.
> Plus he's a fun guy. He borrowed my 727 when one of his synths woke up dead,
> and at the end of his set, he bust out the Star Chime. I fell out laughing.
> Anyway, thanks to Shawn, and all you 313'ers best catch him in Detroit
> over Movement weekend *cough*7th City Afterparty*cough*

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