this just dropped into my 'in' box
Saturday night at Sónar

Freak Show
And now we finally come round to Saturday night. The Sónar programme has a
hefty line-up in stall for us on the big night of the festival. All time
totems of dance music such as Jeff Mills, Dave Clarke and Carl Cox will be
appearing at the SonarClub stage.
But Before there will be one of the magic moments of this year's
edition:Massive Attack;thirteen years after Blue Lines, the record that
forever changed the course of electronics, the Bristol boys are still
forging a path through the jungle of sounds that they themselves discovered
in 1991. 100th Window, their latest LP is a new sound map of psychodelia
dub, half-caste ambient, big-beat with jazz elements and phantasmagorical
from what I can tell they are playig at 11:45 pm on the 19th


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