I used to DJ overnights on WDBM East Lansing. I major segment o my audience was guys working the overnight shift at the GM plant. I would often get calls from those guys complimenting my musical selection- everything from Kraftwerk and Speedy j to Blonde Redhead and Mudhoney.

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, theREALmxyzptlk wrote:

Anton Banks (313) wrote:

I work in a factory and often play music at my desk. I've sent people off to
 "looking for the loose fan belt" on several occasions...

I worked for 29 years on an assembly line at GM (I just had a job change last December). Where I worked, you either played what some formatter had mistaken for classic rock (mostly), the local R&B station (WJLB) or one of those putrid 'oldies' stations unless you wanted to experience alienation at work in ways other than the already present Marxist sense of it. "Safety" rules (anal supervisors looking for brownie points) said 'no headphones', so it was a case of being trapped with the worst music on the radio when I was in high school, over and over...like another level of Dante's Inferno. In my new job I can plug my Grado SR60s into my tower, slap in a cdr and go to town. People passing by my cubicle still give me weird looks, but they can't drown me out with Bob Seeger.


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