On Tue, November 8, 2005 8:52 pm, MICHAEL WELCH wrote:

>  Do you think i would make it up ?  That would mean i am a spreader of a
> rumour, amd would mean that i dont even no him ....

i dont know you, i dont know your man, and i dont know him. but i do know
that he has records out with his name on them and not your man's.

> Listen Jamies stuff
> pisses al over Lewis stuff. The thieving git new that and that is why we
> are talking...

now there's where im going to disagree. i like the stuff on the peacefrog
album just fine, its good undoubtedly regardless of who did it. however,
if i could trade it for a compilation of joe's old target releases, i
wouldnt even have to think about it. my favorite track on the peacefrog
album is the one that is unquestionably joe's, "midnight dancing".

also, i find it pretty offensive that you keep calling someone names with
absolutely no proof whatsoever that he did the things youre accusing him


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