> Played on an original UREI at a club once, but as mentioned, the lack of
> was daft.

the reason that Urei didn't put EQs on their mixers until recently is
they made their mixers to do one thing very very well and they sound

it resulted in a very clean and uncluttered board
you then were encouraged to add on a high quality EQ to match the quality
of the Urei mixer

If you match the quality in everything from the mixer to your output
speakers and everything behind the mixers you get a phenomenal sound
problem is people don't understand that and they think the more crap they
pile onto a mixer the better they will be at DJing (ooh flaaaange!)

Urei mixers are probably the best I've ever heard (but then again, if you
stick a Urei into a 2nd/3rd rate system you're not going to hear it anyway)


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