libdb: BDB2034 unable to allocate memory for mutex; resize mutex region
mmap in opening database environment failed trying to allocate 500000
bytes. (OS err 12 - Cannot allocate memory)

One observation: this is a mmap() call failure, not an ordinary "OOM" situation.

Some googling suggests that it shows up across multiple BDB-based products and is not specific to DS, and hasn't been properly diagnosed anywhere (lots of "try it again and see if it goes away").

Since you have the problem reliably reproducable, the best idea I have is to run the server under strace in order to see what system calls it is making before it goes off the rails. That might shed some light. Perhaps it's miscalculating the region size for example, and asking for a mapped segment bigger than the kernel is configured to allow, something like that.

There is a bug filed with Oracle on this : but it seems to be a bug requiring $$$ to access.

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