Miyako's plug in is just great for simple projects.  I highly recommend it!

Rob Laveau's Plugin is when you need to get serious and take control of 
everything in the spreadsheet.

Pluggers XL plugin is all I use now.


Randy Engle
XC2 Software LLC

-----Original Message-----
From: 4D_Tech [mailto:4d_tech-boun...@lists.4d.com] On Behalf Of Keisuke Miyako
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 6:20 PM
To: 4D iNug Technical <4d_tech@lists.4d.com>
Subject: Re: Miyako's Excel Component vs. Pluggers XL Plugin

that is a ridiculous comparison.

the plugin from Pluggers is far far superior.

the component is just showcasing how 4D can run scripts and pass arguments via 
environment variables. that's all.
in production, you shouldn't even be using the component methods procedurally, 
you should prepare your own script (hopefully the component can serve as a 
starting point) that does the job in one call.

> 2016/10/25 4:22、David Rose <drose...@gmail.com> のメール:
> Has anyone compared the performance of the component vs. the Pluggers plugin?

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