
We’ve been spending quite a bit of time preparing our 4D databases to move from 
v12 to v15. We originally had planned to transit via v13 but since we’re 100% 
Mac, we saw that numerous problems with recent Mac OS X versions are causing 
severe compatibility issues, ie crashes. So we’re skipping v13 and v14 to move 
directly to v15, although we did test heavily on v13 also. 

Recently I’ve seen a lot of activity surrounding v16 and one of my colleagues 
suggested skipping straight to v16. We have about 200 client connections and 
the databases are mission critical. The largest is about 100gb. My 30 years of 
experience with 4D tell me NOT to jump straight to v16. Does anyone have any 
reason to believe it’s worth taking the leap? Is v16 rock solid?


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