I just tried it today in a structure built from the ground up in V16. On
Mac. The menu editor is buggy to the point of nearly unusable.

Has anyone been using the V16 version of this tool without trouble? Or,
contrarily, are there already reports in about the problems?

Quick rundown:

* Very hard to attach a menu to a menu bar. Took a couple of minutes to
make it work. I can only get it to work by:

-- Selecting menubar
-- Right-clicking
-- Saying to associate a menu
-- Picking one

That seems to work, if you follow those exact steps each time. After I've
done it once, I can't attach anything else until I go through the whole
sequence again. In earlier versions, you could drag-drop menus into menu
bars if you were very fast.

* Very odd behavior when trying to link a name to a menu item. The first
character that I type seems to disappear, and then the more I type the
weirder it gets. Drag-and-drop from the Explorer no longer seems to work.
The only thing that I've found that does work is to use the pop-up of all
method names (!) to select the method I want.
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