Hey Miyako,

Further info from previous post...

The more I experiment the more I think the width of the text is not correct.

If I include these lines:

SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center”)

In a text string of “19˚” the 9 shows up approx. centered.

If I exclude these two lines then.

In a text string of “19˚” the 1 shows up approx. right aligned.

So I am baffled and there’s little 4D example sir using the TextArea and 
modifying attributes. Of course I am reviewing the SVG spec and trying 
properties from there. But…

So there’s something I don’t understand I think.


> Hi Miyako,
> So if I understand how to replace “text” with “TextArea”…
> Here’s an existing code fragment with various height/width adjustments
> $fontAlign_D:=Align center
> $pnt_X:=$ctr_X+(($ctr_X*$radius)*Cos($Angle))
> $pnt_Y:=$ctr_Y-(($ctr_Y*$radius)*Sin($Angle))
> $display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 16˚
> In this example the X and Y of the point are:
> inX_D=577
> inY_D=276
> SVG_String_WidthHeight_Get (display_t; ->$width;
>  ->$height; $fontName; $fontSize_D; $fontStyle_D; $fontAlign_D)
> `  set new Y coord based upon returned height dimensions      
> $inY_D:=$inY_D-($height/2)
> $text_svgRef:=SVG_New_text 
> ($domSvg_ptr->;$cuspDegree+"˚";$inX_D;$inY_D;$fontName;$fontSize_D;$fontStyle_D;$fontAlign_D)
> The XML looks like:
> <text fill="#000000" font-family="Tahoma" font-size="14" font-style="normal" 
> font-weight="normal" stroke="#000000" text-anchor="middle" 
> text-decoration="none" x="577" y="282">16˚</text>
> Notice the Y value is changed to 282. This works pretty good!
> ----------------------------------------------
> When switched from SVG_New_text to SVG_New_textArea:
> $display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 22˚
> In this example the X and Y of the point are:
> inX_D=577
> inY_D=276
> $text_svgRef:=SVG_New_textArea 
> ($domSvg_ptr->;$display_t;$inX_D;$inY_D;$width;$height;$fontName;$fontSize_D;$fontStyle_D;$fontAlign_D)
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)
> First issue I noticed was the degree symbol (˚) {ctrl+k} is missing.  
> Although the correct string is in the xml.
> <textArea display-align="center" fill="#000000" font-family="Tahoma" 
> font-size="14" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal" height="-13" 
> stroke="#000000" text-align="center" text-decoration="none" width="-28" 
> x="577" y="276">16˚</textAre>
> First notice that the Y value remains at 276???
> I thought it must be an encoding issue. So I tried different characters and 
> none of them are being displayed.
> Then I thought what if the width or height is not large enough to allow it to 
> display? By playing with the width I could see all the characters are there. 
> BUT I cannot reliably get the text centered on the point.
> So then I removed the following two lines:
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)
> And the values are exactly the same. So this code has not affect therefore I 
> must not be setting the attributes correctly.
> Any idea as to what I am doing wrong?
> Appreciate,
> John...
>> HI Miyako,
>> Thanks for the info.
>>> Ref: have you considered using <TextArea> instead of <text>?
>> I haven’t but I will now. <grin>
>> I’ll see if there’s a difference.
>> Thanks for tips.
>> John…
>>> in general, it is best to instruct the rendering engine to decide how to 
>>> align objects,
>>> rather than to compute the exact coordinates yourself.
>>> "text-anchor" (start, middle, end) should take care of horizontal align in 
>>> <text>,
>>> but vertical align is going to be difficult since 4D does not support 
>>> "dominant-baseline" or "alignment-baseline".
>>> if you decide to go down the "y" or "dy" route, well, I guess it's going to 
>>> be an uphill struggle.
>>> have you considered using <TextArea> instead of <text>?
>>> you have "display-align" (before, center, after) for vertical align and 
>>> "text-align" (start, center, end) for horizontal align.
>>> p.s.
>>> I love how they say start/end, before/after instead of left/right (because 
>>> of right to left scripts)
>>> and decisively use middle instead of center with respect to the subject 
>>> (align or anchor)...

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