I also just got back from the World Tour. It was great to see some of you again 
and the information was very helpful. Add had some great demos and JPR shared a 
lot of great information.

One thing JPR helped me understand better is that a worker is basically just a 
process ready to do things. You can actually start a worker process without any 
method at all. It just starts and sits there waiting for you do ask it to do 
something. Maybe not helpful in real life, but knowing that helped me 
understand the concept better.

I also learned that in previous versions a worker would check for the next 
message once per execution cycle. Right now that has changed so that the worker 
will continue executing whatever it needs to empty the message queue all in one 
event cycle. There are pros and cons each way (although I wish it were the 
former way), but this can affect UI updating in some cases, so it is good to be 
aware of.

Thanks to 4D for putting the Tour on!

Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

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