On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 5:40 AM, David Adams via 4D_Tech <
4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:

> My biggest problem with PostgreSQL is the relative lack of nice front-end
> tools. My beloved SequelPro for MySQL has long hinted at a PostgreSQL
> version, but it doesn't seem to be there yet. For MySQL though, it's great
> (and free):
> http://www.sequelpro.com/
> Navicat can do more (stored procedures, copy data across structures, better
> trigger support, etc.) but, dang, that "Look Ma! I wrote it in Java!" UI is
> just so ugly. I'll pay for it, I'll use it, I'll be grateful...but I won't
> be loving it.
> Any recommendations for good PostgreSQL tools?

Agreed on how great Sequel Pro is.

For Postgres, I use PostgresApp https://postgresapp.com/ to run Postgres on
my mac.

For the client I use Navicat Premium Essentials (their cheaper Swiss Army
Knife tool.) It's ugly, but you can do what you need to do.

The fellow who wrote the Postrgres Mac App has a client app, called
Positco: https://eggerapps.at/postico/

Something to check out.
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